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Difficult personal circumstances and living conditons as well as emotional, mental or physical problems often create pain and suffering. With the help of professional psychotherapy you wish to seek relief and new solutions.

Within the safe and confidential space of an empathetic and appreciative therapeutic relationship I support you to overcome blockages and to activate your personal strengths. Thus, your capacities for action and for problem solving will increase. As a result your personal development will unfold freely, and disorders can dissolve.


Possible reasons for psychotherapy:

•     Burnout, stress and exhaustion

•     self-worth and identity problems

•     life and existential crises

•     relationship and sexual problems, coming out

•     loss, mourning, spiritual crisis

•     depression, anxiety and panic disorders

•     psychosomatic symptoms

•     traumatic experience, sexual violence


If you have a medical prescription my psychotherapeutic services are recognized by public health insurances in Switzerland.

Without medical prescription part of the costs should be covered by your private health insurance, please ask your insurance for their terms and conditions.